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First Things First

It's 10 o'clock in the morning and I went to the gym, and the grocery store and had my 10 minutes with God.

Goals, Right?

Yesterday, I just about had a meltdown - I was beaten down and discouraged because life just started to feel so pointless.

The piles of things are stacking up all around me and they don't seem to diminish. It feels like every time I turn around something new is smacking me in the face!

How do I manage this better so there is more maintenance and less of everything being a mess?

I begin to realize in my attempt to execute #1 by putting God first there are other priorities that need to come first as well like paying the bills, exercising, and eating. Heh... :) Now that I'm not at a job and keeping a regular schedule I've been forgetting to eat. My body gets weak and shaky and I have to stop and eat something so I have the strength to conquer the rest of my day. These realizations are forcing me to understand priorities. Setting priorities will help me better manage my life.

First and foremost, I have to take care of myself so I am able to take care of others. You cannot pour from an empty cup. If I'm weak I am of no good to this world.

UPDATE 2022: I discovered a few solutions since I first wrote this post in 2009. I will begin publishing my thoughts on Kingdom Living and Essential Living as soon as I am able. I cannot wait to share what I have learned.


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